Star cars Wiki
The Wonka Mobile

The Wonka Mobile


The Wonkamobile was a vehicle specially made by Willy Wonka to run on the carbonation in different types of soda: "ginger ale, ginger pop, ginger beer, beer bubbles, bubble-ade, bubble cola, double cola, double bubble, burp-a-cola, and all the crazy carbonated stuff that tickles your nose."

The Wonkamobile reached up to about 10-miles-per-hour top speed in the factory.

The Wonkamobile had a huge boiler and pipes that spit out the carbonation bubbles onto the passengers rather comically (in production, it was in actuality fire extinguisher foam, which causes rashes). It then went through a "Hsawaknow" ("Wonkawash" spelled backward) which cleaned the suds off the passengers.



  • The Wonkamobile never appeared in the novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory